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answers to common questions
Who is responsible for utility connections?
It is your responsibility as a tenant to ensure that any utility connections you require (eg. power, gas, internet etc.) are made under your name.
Can I copy keys?
If you wish to copy keys you must obtain our permission first. It is important to note that we will want back all the copies given to you at the start of your tenancy, plus the extra copies created during your tenancy period. For properties with restricted or controlled key access, you will require permission from the owner through us to have extra copies made and you will be liable for any charges incurred to provide you with these extra copies. Please note that if you need to change the locks during your tenancy period (except in an emergency), this can only be done with the owner’s permission.
Will any of the owner’s insurance policies (eg. Landlord, Building, Contents) cover my belongings?
It is important to note that your belongings are not covered by any insurance policy that my be held by the owner. Even if your belongings are damaged as a result of any circumstances affecting the owner’s property (i.e. fire, power outages, storm damage etc.) your belongings will not be covered by the owner’s insurance, even if their property is. Therefore we strongly recommend you consider obtaining home contents insurance cover as a tenant.
What options do I have to pay my rent?
We only receive rent by electronic funds transfer directly into our trust account.
Can I make alterations to the property (eg. install picture hooks, paint, install or remove fixtures etc.)?
You cannot make any alterations to the property without the owner’s written permission. In the case of requests for installing fixtures such as picture hooks or mirrors, be aware that even if permission is granted by the owner, you will likely need to restore the property back to the same condition as when you first moved in. Any maintenance or repair work required to do so (e.g. remove fixtures, repair/repaint surfaces) will need to be done at your own expense.
How do I report repairs?
Simply contact us and advise us of the issue by filling in our online maintenance request form. We will take care of the rest.
In case of an emergency repair (repairs that can cause damage to the property or injury to the tenant), please contact us as soon as safe and practicable via our mobile number to inform us of the issue. Unless it is unsafe to do so, we highly recommend that you contact us first before contacting a trades person to visit.
Who is responsible for changing light bulbs?
It is your responsibility as a tenant to replace any light bulbs as required during your tenancy and to ensure that all light fittings at the property have working globes at the end of your tenancy. In the event that a light is not working due to an electrical fault, it will be the owner’s responsibility to rectify the fault, however it is your responsibility to advise the owner through us of the need for repair.
Who is responsible for maintaining the smoke detector?
While it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that the property is appropriately fitted out with smoke detectors and alarms, it is your responsibility as a tenant to replace any batteries for these smoke detectors on the property, as required. If there is any issue with a smoke detector that cannot be resolved by replacing a battery, it is your responsibility to advise the owner through us of the issue so this can be rectified by the owner as soon as possible.
Do you perform routine inspections?
Yes, we will conduct routine inspections roughly every 13 weeks ( we reserve the right to conduct more frequent inspections as per the Residential Tenancies Act ). The main purpose of these inspections is to provide a report to the owner that you are maintaining the property and keeping it in a reasonable clean and tidy state, check for any required repairs and to make any recommendations to the owner on the maintenance of their property.
How often do you review the rent?
Rental reviews are conducted every 12 months.
What happens if the owner wants to sell the property while I am living there?
Where the owner is required, under an unconditional agreement for the sale of the premises, to give the purchaser vacant possession, 90 days notice is required. If there are any fixed-term lease agreements in place during the sale of the property, then the tenant may stay until the end of their lease, meaning that the buyer must acquire the property as an investment property and honor the existing fixed term tenancy.
How much notice do I need to give when I want to vacate?
The tenant needs to give 21 days’ notice in writing to vacate a periodic agreement. For a fixed term tenancy if the fixed term is for longer than 90 days, the tenancy will automatically become a periodic tenancy when it expires.
What do I need to do to get my bond back as quickly as possible?
For your full bond to be paid quickly, you will need to ensure the following:
- There is no outstanding rent.
- The property and grounds are cleaned and returned to their in going condition.
- The carpets are cleaned professionally if animals were kept on the premises during the tenancy or if they are badly soiled by tenants.
- Any monies outstanding like water usage, any damages, compensation amounts and break lease fees are paid.
- All keys, remote controls etc. have been returned.
- All light bulbs are in working order and that any issues affecting lighting (e.g. electrical faults) are reported.
Once these criteria have been met we can then refund your bond.
What happens if I don’t meet my responsibilities as a tenant?
Gregory Young
NZQF Residential Property management Level 4 / Licensed Agent REAA 2008
Phone: 022 303 3449
Monica Young
NZQF Residential Property management Level 4 / Licensed Agent REAA 2008
Phone: 022 453 2019